Manned Posts

Trained to stay alert and observe everything that takes place within sight or sound.

Unauthorized access to premises or locations is always going to be a challenge in communities. Preventing disorder in a society is a duty that everyone should take up. But the reality is that not everyone can and has the time to respond to security breaches.

New technologies and surveillance cameras have made it impossible for anybody to get away with a crime. But these remote monitoring sites do not allow for quick response to incidents and security breaches.
Find out what manned guarding is and its importance in this article.


What Exactly Is Manned Guarding?

Manned guarding is a security measure that ensures the protection of premises from unauthorized access, and so prevent disorder, theft, and injury to individuals and their properties. It involves an on-site guard who is present at a location and can respond quickly to security breaches and accidents. Manned guards are partly or wholly responsible for determining and accessing the suitability of admission into a location. Hence, manned guarding involves the following activities:

  1. Guarding your premises against disorder and damage.
  2. Guarding your properties against being stolen or obtained without permission.
  3. Guarding individuals against injuries and assault.

Properties need to be well protected, and this layer of security is essential and useful to prevent trespassing and thefts. Even as technology prevails in the world, manned guarding is not going to lose its place or significance anytime soon.


Advantages Of Manned Guarding

1. Manned Guarding prevents possible threats by accessing the situation

It is not enough to be aware of the occurrence of a security breach. It is more useful if a service or act can detect the breach before it occurs. This is exactly what manned guarding seeks to achieve. Unlike technological surveillance methods, possible threats can be detected by accessing the situation at hand. The manned guard then responds to the situation.

2. Quick Response to incidents

Manned guarding permits professionals to take swift actions and decisions. One doesn’t need to confirm if the surveillance or cameras are depicting what seems to be true, unlike in technological security measures. A manned guard can easily communicate with the authorities when he sees a possible threat with mobile devices.

3. Several manned guards can be on a premise

There is no restriction to the number of individuals that can man a premise. This is not the case with cameras and surveillance technologies that may be difficult to place in a few areas. These guards can even prevent threats by disguising and working undercover.

4. Insurance Companies give discounts to locations with manned guarding

Manned guarding is such a reliable practice that insurance companies give a discount to sites that have this level of protection. This is because they are aware that manned guarding reduces arson, vandalism and other antisocial activities that people engage in. For a high-profile location, the discount that is given to by the insurance company may even surpass the investment into manned guarding employed at the site.


Situations Where Manned Guarding Activities Do Not Apply

Manned guarding activities cannot be performed in every situation and to every individual. Firstly, manned guarding does not apply to individuals that maintain law and order in a position or premises. For example, a school teacher accompanying children may not be subjected to manned guarding activities. Manned guarding activities do not also apply to individuals who respond to an unexpected occurrence or situation. For example, a doctor who responds to an emergency involving a patient would not be subjected to manned guarding activities.

Furthermore, manned guarding activities do not apply to employees of an organization who are carrying out normal activities. Employees of another team who are visiting and have certified permission are also exempted from manned guarding activities.


Manned Guarding Services Of Semper-Fi Security

Semper-fi Security is an approved manned guarding company that provides a physical on-site presence in Alabama. Our goal is to discourage and prevent certain scenarios from occurring in such locations. We only select the most proficient and professional guards to man premises and property and protect individuals. We vet our members of staff vigorously and have no tolerance for mediocrity.



Manned security is essential in any gathering of people or premises. It is particularly important in high-profile premises and areas where anti-social behavior is prevalent. The result of manned guarding activities the peace of mind for clients.

Guard Orders

1.“To take charge of this post and all assigned property in view.” Where your post is and the limits of your post will be spelled out in your special orders. Within these limits a sentry has authority over all persons entering on his post. 

2.“To walk my post in a military manner keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.”When you take charge of your post you will conduct yourself in a military manner at all times; being alert to everything that takes place around you. 

3.“To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.”A sentry will report immediately any violation of orders, apprehending (to temporarily hold) any offender. 

4.“To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.” If another sentry calls to the Guard Supervisor and you are closer to the guardhouse than he is, repeat the call exactly as you heard it. 

5.“To quit my post only when properly relieved.”A sentry may leave his post to apprehend an individual who is violating an order, but will at all other times remain on his post. If time comes for his relief, he will not leave his post but will call the Corporal of the Guard. 

6.“To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all newly assigned orders. Orders may change or new orders may be received while you are walking your post. You must be sure that your relief has these orders explained to him. 

7.“To talk to no one except in the line of duty.”When a sentry is asked a questions, he answers briefly and courteously. You will allow no one to remain on your post to carry on a conversation except those members of the guard conducting inspections. 

8.“To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.” The first rule is to sound the alarm loudly people will hear you. If there is a fire, sound the alarm and clear the building. If a disorder comes about on your post, call the Supervisor and attempt to apprehend the individuals causing the disorder. 

9.“To call the Supervisor of the Guard in any case not covered by instructions.” When in doubt call the Supervisor of the Guard. If a situation arises that is not covered by either general or special orders, call the Supervisor. 

10.“To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.”